Ultrasound Doppler Fetal Monitor CBMJB15-Fetal Heartbeat

  • Product Description

Ultrasound Doppler Fetal Monitor CBMJB15 is a hand-held obstetrical unit used for detecting fetal heart beat sound In hospital, clinic and home for daily self-check by pregnant woman. Ultrasound Doppler Fetal Monitor MSLJB15 is applied to fetus of above 16 weeks, difference in pregnant mater.

Features of Ultrasound Doppler Fetal Monitor CBMJB15

  • High sensitive ultrasound probe 

  • Detect the heart rates of 16th week fetus 

  • Record the fetal heart beat by computer

Specification of Ultrasound Doppler Fetal Monitor CBMJB15

  • Ultrasound operating frequency: 3.0MHz (2.5MHz and 3MHz optional, deviation from nominal rated operating frequency is no more than (±5%).

  • Comprehensive sensitivity: At a distance of 200 mm from the probe surface; the comprehensive sensitivity is no less than 90 dB.

  • Display range: 50-210 bpm

  • Error: ±2 bpm

  • Ultrasound output power:<20mW

  • Recommended coupling agents:

  • Skin irritation: none

  • Total bacterial:<1000 units/g

  • Faecal coliforms, pseudomonas rhamnosus, staphylococcus aureus: none

  • Sound speed: 1520-1620 m/s

  • Acoustic impedance: 1.5-1.7x106 Pa.s/m

  •  Acoustic attenuation:<0.05 dB/(cm.MHz)

  • Viscosity: > 15Pa.s

  • PH value: 5.5-8

  • Peak Negative Sound Pressure (P-) :<0.1MPa

  • Output Beam Intensity (Iob):<10mW/cm²_

  • Spacial-peak temporal-average intensity (ISPTA):<100mW/cm²