Blood Gas and Chemistry Analyzer Portable Arterial Blood Gas Analyser Epoc Blood Gas Electrolyte Critical Care Analyser

  • Product Description

Blood Gas and Chemistry Analyzer Portable Arterial Blood Gas Analyser Epoc Blood Gas Electrolyte Critical Care Analyser


Small and portable
  Small size?315*238*153mm?
  Light weight<4 Kg (including battery)
  Build-in high capacity rechargeable battery
Friendly User Interface
  Color LCD touch screen display
  "traffic light" indicator
  Build-in multimedia tutorials
Unique smart cartridge design
  Single use cartridge with multi tests
  Safety and Environment protection
  Long cartridge storage life at room temperature
Convenient operation, accurate and reliable results
  standby without consumption and complete maintenance free
  Fast, accurate, and convenient build-in auto calibration
  Auto sample aspiration assures convenience and reliability
Powerful Data Management
  USB ports for data transfer 
  10,000 patient data storage
  Optional data management software
  Seamless integration with LIS/HIS through wired or wireless networking
Variety of test Cartridges
  BG3: pH , pCO2 , pO2 
  BG8: pH , pCO2 , pO2 , Na , K , Cl, Ca , Hct
  BC4: Na , K , Cl, Ca , Hct
  BG4: pH , pCO2 , pO2 , Lac 
  BG9: pH , pCO2 , pO2 , Na , K , Cl, Ca, Glu, Hct 
  BG10: pH , pCO2 , pO2 Na , K , Cl, Ca, Glu, Lac , Hct 
Future menu in development
  BUN/Urea & Creatinine
  Coagulation test (ACT, APTT, PT)
  Immunoassay panels 
Calculated values HCO3-act, HCO3-std, BE(ecf), BE(B), BB(B), ctCO2, sO2(est), Ca++(7.4), AnGap, tHb(est), pO2(A-a), pO2(a/A), RI, pO2/FIO2, cH+(T), pH(T), pCO2(T), pO2(T), pO2(A-a)(T), pO2(a/A)(T), RI(T), pO2(T)/FIO2, Ca++(7.4) ?
Product Availability
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